About Us

Adam Olson organized this site, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and as such, my thoughts are shaped by the restored gospel. The church does not endorse this site, nor is the doctrine necessarily official church doctrine. However, I try to keep all content in harmony with the truths of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

The tools and ideas are not uniquely my own and result from many professional counseling sessions, family counseling, prayer and fasting, the study of the scriptures, trial by fire, and direction and guidance from my wonderful wife, who has endured much. It is my hope that some of these tools, worksheets, talks, etc., might be of help to you.

At a minimum, it is a nice place for me to come back and learn again from the things I have already learned. There have been multiple times I have had to watch my own tutorials to relearn what I already once knew. May God bless, light your path and lighten your load as you learn to become more submissive to His will and desire for your growth to be more like him! 1 John 3:2