

How The Brain Works With Anger

Seneca - How To Control Your Anger (Stoicism)

At 17:00 minutes I think frustrating your "opponent" just causes more anger. "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him".

How to Control Anger - Sadhguru

1:56 Anger is poisoning your system. When you are angry your mind is not taking instructions from you.

Dealing With Anger

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Examples of People Handling Difficult Situations Gracefully

Dolly Parton Barbara Walters Interview

Steve Jobs Insult Response

Ben Carson

Ben Carson

How To Keep Calm During An Argument - Joe Rogan Method

How Jordan Peterson Wins An Argument

Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy

Alex O'Connor vs Frank Turek | The Moral Argument DEBATE

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How to Remain Calm With People

McMaster U. MELTDOWN (with Subtitles) - SJW insanity vs Jordan Peterson's monk-like calm

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